Oak Hall Expeditions Privacy Policy


This privacy policy explains how we use the personal information that we collect about you when you contact us or use our website.

We will never share your information for marketing purposes with anyone else but we do need to share your information to allow us to organise your holiday. This Privacy Policy aims to explain what information we collect, how we use it and how you can access it.


  • Communication about Oak Hall Expeditions
  • What information do we collect about you?
  • How will we use the information about you?
  • Access to your information, correction and “Right to be forgotten”
  • Cookies
  • Other websites
  • Quoting written feedback
  • Changes to our privacy policy
  • How to contact us

Communication about Oak Hall Expeditions

We will never share your information for marketing purposes with anyone else. We would like to send you information about Oak Hall holidays and events. 

POST: If you have consented to receive brochures by post, we will usually send these every 6 months. You may opt out at any time by emailing, calling or posting back your brochure. If you do not contact us for three years, we will automatically stop sending brochures to you anyway, although you can request to begin receiving them again at any time.

EMAIL: In addition to emails related to your holiday booking, we would like to send you emails about other Oak Hall events. You can opt in to receive these when you first supply us with your email address. Additionally, you can sign up any time here: www.oakhall.co.uk/email

In every email that we send, you can use the buttons at the end of the email to update your details or opt-out from further emails.

As well as storing your name and email address in our Oak Hall database, we synchronise just your name and email address with Mailchimp to manage the sending of these emails. This is a service for which we pay Mailchimp. Mailchimp are not permitted to share your information with anyone else and their full privacy policy is here: https://mailchimp.com/legal/privacy

You have a right at any time to stop us from contacting you with information by email. If you no longer wish to be contacted by email for marketing purposes, please click on 'unsubscribe' at the end of the emails that we send - or you can click here: www.oakhall.co.uk/unsubscribe

What information do we collect about you?

We collect information about you when you register with us (eg. to request a brochure be posted to you) or book a holiday with us. We also store information when you complete guest surveys, correspond with us, or provide feedback. Website usage information is collected using cookies.

We collect:

  • Contact details: eg. name, postal address, email.
  • Personal details: eg. passport information, insurance, age, dietary requirements.
  • Oak Hall Expeditions account information: eg. when your holiday deposit was paid, whether you select a twin room.
  • Sports equipment sizing: eg. height, shoe size.
  • Correspondence: eg. emails that you send to us. 
  • Website usage: eg. browser type.

We do not collect any of your card payment details. Payments to Oak Hall Expeditions are managed by GlobalPayments, our payments provider. Their privacy policy can be read hereFor those flying with Vueling, their privacy policy can be accessed here.

How do we use the information about you?

We collect information about you to organise your holiday, manage your account and, if you agree, to email bulletins or post biannual brochures to you about what else is going on here at Oak Hall.

We use your information collected from the website to personalise your repeat visits to our website - for example to allow you to easily log in.

We will never share your information for marketing purposes with anyone else but we do need to share your information to allow us to organise your holiday.

Here are examples of how we use the different categories of information that we receive:

  • Contact & Personal details: airlines, hotels and other service-providers need this information to allow us to book a place for you.
  • Oak Hall Expeditions account information: we inform those providing accommodation of the options that you have chosen regarding rooming or excursions.
  • Sports equipment sizing: we may occasionally need to ask a local ski shop to hire some equipment to us for you to use.
  • Correspondence: we keep a record of our correspondence with you so that we can ensure that we keep our word to you regarding the details of your holiday.
  • Website usage: we note the types of browsers used to access our website so that we can ensure that the site is working appropriately.

Bookings that include more than one guest

When a booking is made that includes more than one guest:

i) the lead guest (i.e. the person who made the booking) will have access to the booking information about the others on that booking. If someone on the booking has previously given Oak Hall their details but some of this was not added when the most recent booking was made, this information may show on the current booking.

ii) the non-lead guests will only be able to see their own information plus the names of the other guests on the booking (first name as per passport, 'known as' name if applicable, and surname).

If you would prefer that this information was not available to the lead guest or others in your booking, please instead book as an individual.

Access to your information, correction and “Right to be forgotten”

You have the right to request a copy of the information that we hold about you. If you would like a copy of all of your personal information held by us, please write to us at: Oak Hall, Otford, Kent TN15 6XF enclosing a cheque for £10 to cover the administration of this service. As long as your postal address is the same as that on our records, we will send the information to you within 40 days of your request. If your postal address is different from that on our records, we may contact you for further information to verify that your request is genuine.

We want to make sure that your personal information is accurate and up to date. You may ask us to correct or remove information you think is inaccurate.

We keep the details of holidays that you have booked for ten years for accounting and insurance purposes. If you have not contacted us in this time, we delete your information. In addition to this, you have the “right to be forgotten” whereby we will remove all personal information that we hold about you. To request this, please post, by registered mail, a photocopy of the details page of your passport (to prove you are removing your own information) along with your “right to be forgotten” request in writing to Oak Hall, Otford, Kent TN15 6XF. As long as your passport information matches the information you are requesting be removed, we will complete this within 30 days of your request and confirm by post, enclosing your passport copy. There is no charge for this service.


In computer jargon, 'cookies' are very short text files that are saved on a user's computer when visiting a website.

Our site, like most websites, needs to use cookies to work properly. This means, for example, that when you return to our Oak Hall site, you don't need to re-enter your booking number every time - it's as though our website remembers you. Actually, our site has not remembered - it was the cookie saved on your computer that told our site when you revisited where your booking was.

We assume - as explained on the front page of our site - that a person's use of our site indicates that they are happy with this arrangement.

For further information visit www.aboutcookies.org or www.allaboutcookies.org. You can set your browser not to accept cookies and the above websites tell you how to remove cookies from your browser. However in a few cases some of our website features may not function as a result.

Other websites

Our website may contain links to other websites. This privacy policy only applies to this website so when you link to other websites you should read their own privacy policies.

Quoting written feedback

We may quote written feedback that we receive from you (for example through our online feedback survey) in print and web-based media for communication about our holidays. We do not include surnames when quoting guests.

Changes to our privacy policy

We keep our privacy policy under regular review and we will place any updates on this web page. This privacy policy was last updated on 10th February 2023.

How to contact us

Please contact us if you have any questions about our privacy policy or information we hold about you. Our contact details are here: www.oakhall.co.uk/contact